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Clare Local Lift to be piloted on the Loop Head Peninsula as a new solution for rural transport

13 December 2019

Clare Local Lift to be piloted on the Loop Head Peninsula as a new solution for rural transport

During 2018, Clare County Council was successful in securing funding from Enterprise Ireland under the Small Business Innovation Research fund. The purpose of the fund is to drive innovation across the Irish public sector by solving age-old societal problems in new ways. It enables engagement between the public sector and technology rich companies who join forces to work on competitive challenges.

Pat Breen, T.D., Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, today formally launched the operational phase of Clare Local Lift at an event in Carrigaholt, Co. Clare.


Minister of State, Pat Breen said, “I am delighted to be in Carrigaholt today to launch this pilot project and commend Carrigaholt Development Association for their interest in it.  Justification for the pilot in this area is borne out by the fact that CSO statistics tell us that 18.7% of households on the Loop Head Peninsula are without a car.

The Minister continued, “I am pleased that Enterprise Ireland had the vision to jointly support this project with the Council by providing 50% of the funding for the development of this idea through the Small Business Innovation Research fund.  


Mayor of Clare, Councillor Cathal Crowe, commented, “This is an innovative solution and the technology developed by Arvoia (an Intelligent Mobility Solutions company) has the capability of helping to improve people’s lives by connecting communities. This technology is the first solution to provide a social rideshare platform that is designed with artificial intelligence at its core.


The solution connects passengers to drivers within the community willing to provide a lift. Using a mobile app to match drivers to passengers, the solution will optimise the efficiency of private car use while at the same time strengthening connections between people in their community.


Commenting on the background to Clare Local Lift, Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council, said “the Android mobile app is free to download, the local lift scheme is free to use, and it is available to anyone 18 years or older who signs up to participate. The app will make it possible for people to notify others of intended journeys, make requests for a lift and to accept or decline lift offers simply and discreetly. The non-commercial, community-based initiative aims to match those in need of transport with private drivers who have available transport capacity and is among the actions identified in the Clare Rural Development Strategy 2026.


Ireland has the highest length of road network per capita in the EU and the most dispersed pattern of rural dwelling. Rural isolation is a consequence,” he explained. “This project aims to address these challenges by way of leveraging community-based goodwill and supporting it with appropriate IT applications. If this three month pilot is successful, it could be replicated in other areas”.


Tony Lynch, Chairperson of Carrigaholt Development Association, added: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our community to engage in this voluntary initiative. We were delighted to be asked by Clare County Council to pilot Clare Local Lift on the Loop Head Peninsula and we encourage everyone in this area to use the service and support it as we believe that it has the potential to solve transport problems particularly in rural areas.


If you need a lift to the local doctor’s surgery or shop or post office or you may be a third level student trying to get a lift home from the bus stop to Loop Head after a week at college, then please use the App in order for this pilot to be implemented. I ask all interested drivers and passengers to sign up today on Google Play and be part of it”.

Manager of SBIR Ireland, Marguerite Bourke said, “The Small Business Innovation Research Fund, as administered by Enterprise Ireland, helps the public sector to address the variety of Challenges that affect the everyday lives of citizens nationwide. In partnership with Irish Contracting Authorities such as Clare County Council, innovative pilot projects to solve these Challenges have been identified and we are delighted to be associated with it”.

The mobile app for this initiative, which has been developed on an Android platform, is now available for download on the Google Play store (search for Clare Local Lift). Voluntary drivers and passengers can phone Margaret: 087 1089847 or e-mail: for further information.

Page last reviewed: 13/12/19

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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